How to use d-Kocek™ (Features)

Transaction History

Review all of your transactions here

Request History

Review all of your requests here

Top Up

Reload your d-Kocek money


Transfer money from d-Kocek to your bank

Prepaid Reload

Reload your mobile credit easily

Bill Payment

Pay your bill conveniently

Send Money

Share money among your d-Kocek contacts

Request Money

Request money from your d-Kocek contacts

Split Bill

Share and split your bill among your d-Kocek contacts


Shopping and pay using d-Kocek QR pay at our merchants

Having trouble to log in? Forgot your password?

Forgot Password

Reset your password to log in into your d-Kocek apps


Step 1

Click on the card image

Step 2

Click on “Transaction History”

Step 3

You can view all the transaction you have made via this e-wallet app


Step 1

Click on the card image

Step 2

Click on “Request History”

Step 3

This is the list of requests you have sent. Click on the request to view the details.

Step 4

Click the arrow to return to the previous page

Step 5

Click the “Request from” to view the list. Then choose one from the list to view the details.

Step 6

Click the arrow to return to the previous page

Step 7

Click the “Split bill” to view the list. Then choose one from the list to view the details.

Step 8

From these details, you can see who has paid and who’s not.


Step 1

Click on the card image

Step 2

Click on “Top Up”

Step 3

Choose any of the amounts or you can manually enter the amount you want to reload. Then click “Next”

Step 4

Click on the “Online Banking” to continue

Step 5

Click on the “Select Bank” to open the bank list

Step 6

Choose the bank you preferred

Step 7

Click “Proceed”

Step 8

Complete your process

Step 8

Your Top Up is completed. Click “Start Payment” to use your e-wallet


Step 1

Click on the card image

Step 2

Click on the “Withdraw”

Step 3

Enter the amount you preferred then click “Next”

Step 4

Fill in your bank details then click “Next”

Step 5

Review the details then click “Confirm”

Step 6

Enter your d-Kocek app PIN number

Step 7

Your application for withdrawal is submitted. You’ll be notified once it’s approved.

*The process will take about 7 working days


Step 1

Click on the card image

Step 2

Click on the “Prepaid Reload”

Step 3

Choose your telco

Step 4

Insert your phone number and the amount to be reload then click “Next”

Step 5

Review all the details then click “Confirm”

Step 6

Enter your d-Kocek app PIN number

Step 7

Your prepaid reload is successful


Step 1

Click on the card image

Step 2

Click on the “Bill Payment”

Step 3

Choose the bill you want to pay

Step 4

Insert bill account number and amount to be paid, then click “Next”

Step 5

Review all the details then click “Confirm”

Step 6

Enter your d-Kocek app PIN number

Step 7

Your payment is successful


Step 1

Click on the card image

Step 2

Click on the “Send Money”

Step 3

Choose the contact you want to send

Step 4

Enter the amount then click “Send Now”

Step 5

Enter your d-Kocek app PIN number

Step 6

Your transfer is successful

Request Money

Step 1

Click on the card image

Step 2

Click on the “Request Money”

Step 3

Choose the contact you want to request from. You can select up to 10 contacts. Then click “Next”

Step 4

Enter the amount and remarks, then click “Send Request”

Step 5

Enter your d-Kocek app PIN number

Step 6

Your request is successful. Click “View Request”

Step 7

Click on the request list you have sent

Step 8

You can view the details and your request status. Right now it is still “Pending”. 

Step 9

You can view again this request list after the person has approved it.

Step 10

You can see the status has changed to “Approved”


Step 1

Click on the card image

Step 2

Click on the “Split Bill”

Step 3

Enter the remarks and the total amount you want to split, then click “Next”

Step 4

Choose the contact you want to request from. You can select up to 10 contacts. Then click “Next”

Step 5

Review the details, then click “Send Request”

Step 6

Enter your d-Kocek app PIN number

Step 7

Your request has been submitted. Click “View Request”

Step 8

Click on the request list you have sent

Step 9

You can view the details and your request status. Right now it is still “Pending”. 

Step 10

You can view again this request list after the person has paid for it.

Step 11

You can see the status has changed to “Paid”


Step 1

Click on the “Pay Now”

Step 2

Scan the merchant’s QR Code to make a payment

Step 3

Enter the amount to pay

Step 4

Review the details then click “Confirm”

Step 5

Enter your d-Kocek app PIN number

Step 6

Your payment is successful


Step 1

Click on the “Forgot Password”

Step 2

Enter all the details needed

Citizen: IC Number

Non-Citizen: Passport Number

Step 3

Insert the 6 digit code (TAC) number that you received from SMS here

Step 4

Create your own password that contains 8 – 14 characters, at least one alphabet, one numeric, and one symbol. example: James@123

Step 5

Your reset is successful. Click “Continue” to proceed

Step 6

Insert your phone number and password then click “Login”

Step 7

Create your d-Kocek PIN number

Step 8

Re-enter your PIN number

Step 9

Allow your Face ID or FINGERPRINT access

Step 10

Allow all the access needed

Step 11

You have successfully logged into your d-Kocek dashboard